Time Sensitive Lab Booking

Information For Ordering Providers

To book an appointment for a patient, call the APL provincial booking line at 1-877-702-4486 and press 7.

Save My Place

To enhance the patient experience and reduce on-site wait times, ordering providers can instruct patients to use the Save-My-Place feature. This allows patients to add themselves to the waiting room queue for a same-day appointment at their local APL Patient Service Centre (PSC), reducing the time spent waiting on-site.

How It Works

  1. Patients can navigate to APL's online appointment booking app and book an appointment by choosing their preferred Patient Service Centre.
  2. Patients will be given an option to schedule a future appointment or choose Save-My-Place.
  3. Once Save-My-Place is selected, the patient will be added to the current wait-time queue at their preferred PSC. They will receive an estimated time to arrive for their appointment.