Select Requisitions


Fill Information



Requisition Generator

The tool below provides the ability to generate a PDF version of the most common APL lab requisitions with your Connect Care Identifiers (Provider & Submitter IDs).

If you are currently not registered with Connect Care, please email AHSProvider.Requests@albertahealthservices.ca

How to generate and download Alberta Precision Laboratories (APL) Requisitions:
  1. Click the check box beside each requisition type that you need to download.
  2. Click the Next button.
  3. Complete the Physician/Submitter information as required.
  4. Click the form link and save or print the requisitions. (Note: reduce page margins in Print Settings to maximize requisition content on page)

Select Requisitions

Select the checkbox beside the requisition that you require.


For current versions of other requisitions and collection instructions, visit the APL Requisitions page